ERROR: 2.engine code=4 An error occurred during the .p2. phase.Īt .reException(OomphPlugin.java:280)Īt 2.$3.commit(ProfileTransactionImpl.java:547)Īt 2.(ProfileTransactionImpl.java:340)Īt .p2.(P2TaskImpl. An error was detected while performing the engine operation and the changes are being rolled back. Calculating requirements and dependencies. Resolving 23 requirements from 3 repositories to D:\Nouveau dossier (2)\eclipse This article applies to: Platform(s): Windows 10, Windows 2008 Server, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista, Windows XP. Performing P2 Director (Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (Neon)) It works on all main platforms including Linux, Windows, Mac OS, etc. It is written in Java and is considered to be the most popular Java IDE.

Designed to meet Enterprise requirements. The Eclipse IDE is an open-source and free IDE with a modular architecture. Static code analysis for 19 languages: Java, C, JavaScript, TypeScript.

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.8.0_121-b13 When I try to install the installation finish with an error : installation failed with an error - show log, and this happening even if I run it as admin I'm using Windows 7 Professional 64bits, when I click on show log this is what I see : Executing bootstrap tasks