Friendly match mode – hot seat, against Ai, and online.Hot seat Two players where you share the controller.

You can get a preview of what actions will do on the field.The radial menu is in use now where you hold a button down and select the action.The story is told via commentators, cutscenes, and FMV.Big hits trigger an in-game cutscene of violence and it’s brilliant.Blood Bowl is a game where you activate and move each playable character one by one.All actions are dictated by dice rolls.When you click a player you can see where they can move, any dodging or sprinting they may need to do a probability percentage of success.Excellent atmosphere with great voice work.Killed players are just that and are out of the whole game.Players can be knocked down, knocked out, stunned, and even killed.Knock an opponent off the pitch to have them attacked by the crowd.Cutscenes are FMV and are mostly tongue-in-cheek adverts and game-day presentations.The tutorial does a good job of explaining the rules to a new series player.Is a spin on American Football except it is turn-based, turnovers happen differently and violence is highly encouraged. You lose possession whenever you get a player knocked out, drop the ball, miss a throw, and even fall over! Of Course, it’s the same for the opposition but man. Before you make a play a small video clip will show the outcome so you know what’s coming if you play that action.Campaign mode this time round allows you to build your own team and then take on the Ai I.Fully customizable team builder, you can name them, change outfits, colors, home stadium, cheerleaders, etc.Jim and Bob are back! They are the Commentators from the previous games and the staple of the series.Takes the latest rules from the Blood Bowl season 2 ruleset.New Ui design that is more impactful and easy to read and understand.The opening tutorial section covers the basic rules and is broken down into parts.You get the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 versions of the game.